Founded in 1995, Kars4Kids' unique approach revolves around providing a year-round inclusive model that caters to children's needs. The organization goes beyond just summer camps. It also includes school programs during the academic year to ensure participating children have access to necessary resources throughout the year. The core of all their initiatives is mentorship, which strikes a certain core with our organization.
Recently, Xradar donated one of our vehicles to Kars4Kids. This donation aligns with our commitment to making a positive impact in the community. The vehicle will either be auctioned off, sold to a dealer specializing in parts, or utilized by the charity to advance its charitable initiatives.
Kars4Kids has been making a difference in the lives of children for over 25 years. Through their educational and youth development programs, they have helped thousands of children achieve their full potential. The organization relies on the generosity of donors to fund their initiatives.
By donating our vehicle, Xradar has made it possible for more children to benefit from the organization's programs. We plan to donate to Kars4Kids again in the future and encourage other like-minded businesses to contribute to their cause.
If your company would like to donate a car to the organization, please visit